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the healing: a deep dive


vanessa's classes and healing sessions activate a reconnection to your inner knowing, so you can receive the wisdom and guidance you need to build a life that fulfills who you are at a soul level. anything is possible with a direct connection to your soul.


this workshop is designed to help you gain this type of soul-level connection to yourself. if you come to The Healing week by week and you're looking to integrate the teachings on a deeper level, or if your a spiritually curious seeker and this is your first time in this type of up-levelling expansion, you'll find yourself home here.


in this three hour workshop you will be introduced to the roots of mindfulness and the science and energetics behind why this practice offers such profound healing, reprogramming exercises for unconscious beliefs systems and begin to reawaken your innate intuition.


you will be guided through practices and rituals, in conjunction to receiving hands on reiki healing, that will help to connect you further on your journey of self discovery.


everything in this intentional workshop—every meditation, every exercise, every lesson and every journal prompt—was channeled to inspire and align you to live at your fullest expression. doing this work will help generate an energetic shift within you, which will connect you to your root level of consciousness and strengthen your ability to hear and trust your own inner knowing.


when you can surrender to your purpose and gifts—to who you truly are—you’ll gain a new clarity and confidence and you’ll step into the flow of the universe, so that you can live full, expressed, expansive lives.


workbook included. option to bring your own journal or notebook along for further journaling. 

date: sunday november 17th 11am-2pm
where: 889 community
price: $55 + HST for 889 community members
           $65 + HST for non-members 

sold out
intro to healing + creative teaching tools


this workshop-style yoga teacher training module is open to anyone interested in expanding their creativity and tools as a yoga teacher. 

a required module for 200 HR yoga teacher training graduates of the 889 community cohort.


in this module, vanessa dezutter and jenny tellier will introduce you to various different healing modalities, rituals and techniques that are increasingly being used by teachers in classes to restore and align the subtle bodies of students. The effects of these practices are both powerful and safe.


vanessa and jenny will lead you through meditations and exercises to open up your intuition to these subtle energies. you will be guided to feel the healing energy of reiki, crystal therapy, channeled messaging and oracle cards, among other rituals, and learn how to integrate them into a yoga practice and teaching resources.


date: wednesday november 6th

where: 889 community

time: 7:00pm to 10:00pm

price: $96+hst 

sold out

© 2020 Vanessa DeZutter

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