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c o u r s e s

panic to peace:
a 4 week immersive program to healing through polarity + paradigm.

how do we get to the healing?

through the pain. if you have anxiety, fear or anger about what’s going on.. perfect. me too.


these sensations aren’t bad, they're coming up as invitations to heal. they're being asked to be held, heard and transformed. anxiety is just emotion + healing) that we haven’t made space to listen to. fear is the precursor to growth, but we have to move THROUGH it. we can’t experience anything that's not already active within us on some level.

this is our collective healing- our inner work. we’ve been gifted the opportunity to really sit with how fear + uncertainty resonates within us.

this isn't about getting through this virus/global event singularly, this is about our greater understanding of our collecting healing. no matter where you stand, it’s vital to take a deep look within + live from a space of authentic heart-centred living so that when we come out the other side of this, we can operate from a space of authenticity + abundance.  

i cannot walk you home. but i will always point you in the direction of truth.

truth is your identity. truth is your home. i can guide you back to the frequency of love.

with your hands, with your heart, in meditation, in heart-work, in psychology + neuroscience, in spiritualism + guided with the healing power of reiki.

this is a loving invitation to heal.

hardships allow us to become more. to want more. but we’ve gotta feel it to heal it... + then pivot into our healing + needed change towards the direction of life we want to run towards.

join me for the last 4 thursdays during the month of april at 7:00 pm EST for the opportunity of deep healing. we will meet as an intimate group on zoom weekly for 90 min of discussion and meditation paired with energy healing. this immersive program will come with the opportunity to join an exclusive facebook group that will be used to engage in conversation, journaling prompts + practical tools to live a deeper, realer life. to keep us connected in a time of mass disconnect and working to shift us from polarity into our new paradigm.


date: thursday april 9th, 16th, 23rd + 30th 7:00 - 8:30 pm

where: zoom- (online + in the comfort of your own home)







  • answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences.

  1. who are you? ( name, age, vocation, location)

  2. what is your desired outcome for this course?

  3. what are you specifically wanting to work on in this time of collective healing?

sold out

*limited number of students will be accepted in order to keep this an intimate healing experience*


*i want to acknowledge the barriers to accessing healing + meditation in the community and i am open to connect with anyone who might wish to begin to explore or deepen their practice or journey. particularly in this time of need, i am open to a sliding scale payment should you require one. my belief is that healing is for everyone.

© 2020 Vanessa DeZutter

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